Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Book Review: Savanna's Gift by Camille Eide

Savanna's gift was a great Holiday read. I was skeptical that I would get the a real experience with such a snack of a novella and I was very pleasantly pleased.

Savanna is a young ambitious woman who ends up snowed in at a ski resort where she used to work...and where her former fiancé is now one of the managers. Their reunion is full of tension and conflict...and romance.

My first reaction was...hmmmm, would this happen? Then.........sigh, I thought of my own romance and marriage.

My husband and I were also broken up when it was mostly out of our control. We were separated for 6 years before we both came back to our senses and our 2d romance could begin...engaged in 4.5 mos then married 4.5 mos after that. Our love had never gone away but just seemed a little dormant for a time...until we were brought back together and realized we should never be apart again.

So, while our rekindled love was a little different than Savanna and Luke's...my final thought was...if it had been Davis and me...I would've made the same decisions. So, for me the story was realistic and believable...even though the character development was truncated bc it's a novella. But it was done well ny the Author and I didn't feel cheated in the least. A sweet read.

I enjoyed it a lot...LOVED the Christmasy spirit of it...read it mostly on Thanksgiving evening which felt perfect. I would highly recommend this novella to anyone who loves inspiring, romantic stories. Adding in Christmas is just a BONUS!!!  

You can visit Camille Eide at her blog:


And her website:


I hope you check out her sites & her great Christmas read!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Great review!

I re-blogged (kinda) on my blog at luvsiesous.com.
