Friday, August 13, 2010

First Line Friday: Gimme 5 quickies!

This is a fun one that will take only a few minutes of your time.

Gimme 5 quick first lines that pop in your head without thinking too hard!

1-Rosa's past was just about to catch up with her.
2-When I found the teddy bear on the sidewalk, my heart stopped beating.
3-Who do you think of when you fall asleep at night.
4-The revolving door finally came to a stop.
5-Life on my stepfather's farm was far from normal.

Okay, so I did that in about 2 minutes. Take a few minutes and share with me your quickies either on a comment or let me know in your comment that you're blogging First Line Fridays and link back here. I'd love to hear your lines! They can be as cheesy as the pick-up lines we've all grown to tolerate or something that might become famous was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

by Elizabeth

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